Established in December 2023, OMAN-IX is the result of a strategic partnership between AMS-IX (a leading internet exchange provider), ALLIANCE NETWORKS (a regional digital infrastructure provider), and AWASR (one of the leading telecom operators in the Sultanate of Oman).


OMAN-IX aims to revolutionize digital infrastructure services in the region by interconnecting various organizations, networks, data centers, and cloud services across the Middle East.


Serving as a hub for aggregating IP peering traffic from both local and global networks, OMAN-IX enables the exchange of peering traffic through AMS-IX Internet Exchange to other international internet exchanges.





"We are thrilled to embark on this transformative collaboration with Alliance Networks and AMS-IX. By launching OMAN-IX, we will unlock new opportunities for the Sultanate of Oman, enabling efficient exchange of internet traffic and promoting digital innovation across industries."





For more information, please contact info@om-ix.com